Peter Dymock
Pete earned a Bachelor of Applied Science from Federation University and SUNY Cortland, and completed his graduate teaching studies at the University of the Sunshine Coast. He has taught K-12 students at independent schools in New York City and Los Angeles for the last thirteen years, most recently at Pluralistic School One in Santa Monica.
Pete is currently pursuing an M.S. in marriage and family therapy where the focus of his work has been on the intersection of masculinity and emotional intelligence within adolescents and emerging adults. In his free time, Pete enjoys playing basketball, writing, reading, editing videos and spending time with his family.
My Courses
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Many of us think of a career as having a title, climbing the corporate ladder, or falling into a job. We’re also raised to believe that if we just do what we feel passionate about, our purpose will eventually reveal itself. Regardless of whether you believe in passion or purpose, progress begins with action.
In “What Do You Want To Be?” students will utilize a series of practical tools and exercises to reveal their natural talents and figure out how and where to apply those skills to future endeavors. By tapping into the desires, fears and resources that propel us forward (or backwards), students will walk away with a greater sense of confidence in their ability to face the important decisions that lay ahead, whether that be in their careers or personal lives.
The Calm Within: Tools for Emotional Mastery and Self-Control
“The Calm Within” is a two-week workshop designed to empower teenage boys to recognize, understand and manage their emotions in positive and constructive ways. Through the use of mindfulness, problem-solving, and conflict resolution exercises, participants will learn to identify emotional triggers, develop healthy coping strategies, and improve communication skills. Throughout the workshop, participants will develop and compose a personalized action plan for staying calm under pressure and turning challenges into opportunities for personal growth.
The Neurobiology of the Teenage Brain
Between the ages of 12 and 24, a number of fundamental, sometimes challenging changes are taking place in the brain, and adolescence is often misunderstood as a period of recklessness, impulsivity and immaturity. But what if the teenage years were an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a life of purpose and adventure?
In "The Neurobiology of the Teenage Brain", students will delve into the intricate workings of the adolescent brain, from synaptic pruning to the maturation of key brain regions, with the goal of examining the impact these changes have on emotions, behavior and cognition. Utilizing a blend of scientific research, real-life case studies, and practical exercises, students will learn how to safely take risks, deal with complex emotions and problems, and lean into the challenges and opportunities that arise during this critical period of development.