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Quinton Peeples

Quinton Peeples

Quinton was born and raised in Texas. After considering a career as a painter, he decided on film school and attended the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. While there, he wrote the film “An Ambush Of Ghosts”, which premiered at Sundance in 1993. He has written studio and independent features, television movies and hour-long dramas.


Recently he was the showrunner of “Echoes” on Netflix. Quinton is a graduate of the Renovare Institute of Christian Spiritual Formation. While at Renovare, he studied under Dallas Willard, John Ortberg, Gary Moon and many others. He has preached and taught in a variety of settings throughout Southern California and was a founding member and leader at Thad’s, a mission station in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

My Course

The Good Life

How do we make sense of things we feel, but can’t see or measure? We hear about this thing called “The Spiritual Life”, but is it something that can be known? And how does that relate to the four main questions that all people must answer for themselves: What is Reality? What is a Good Life? Who is a Really Good Person? How Do I Become That Kind of Person? We’ll explore all this and more.

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